Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Upcoming: Book Number One!

Hello fellow bloggers!

Hope you're all doing awesome. :) Just wanted to tell you about my recent book project. It should hopefully be available at a bookstore near you by the end of this year or next year, depending on editing and publishing process. It's a YA novel of about 200 pages, and the working title (the intended title which may change) is Christie: Promises Made, Kept, Broken.

Sound like a romantic novel? It most certainly is. There's plenty of romance in the book, but there are key parts of the plot that involve friendship, bullying, maturing and the power art, in any of its forms, has to change your life. The story revolves around Christine, or Christie, a sophomore with a disability, her encounters with love and her trials in friendship and self-acceptance.

Interested? Feel free to ask questions; I'd be happy to answer them! Anything to spark additional enthusiasm about my novel :)

This is the title I have for it for now, but it may be prone to change once I find an editor. (Any day now ^^) However, I will keep you updated on any changes in title, length, etc. And, once the book has a release date, you'll be sure to find out as quickly as I can put it on here.

I'd love to give more info on the book, but for now I can't say much more since I haven't met up with my editor yet nor have I turned in my book proposal (in progress right now!). But if you find yourself intrigued to know more about Christie and her story, feel free to tell me and I'll post a few additional juicy details. ;)

Enjoy the rest of your day, and stay tuned for the latest details!


PS: If you read this and happen to know of a good editor who doesn't charge a fortune, please PLEASE PLEASE let me know. It would mean the world to me. :')

Have a great day and enjoy this photo.

Intro to Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Courtney, and I love to write. Short stories, novels, plays and poetry, especially poetry nowadays. I hope to see some of my work published this year, whether through literary magazines, traditional publishing or some nifty self-publishing.

I think your life experiences can have a big influence on what you write about. This is particularly evident in my poetry; you'll notice, if you read most of my poetry, that there are plenty of poems about love, loss and ups and downs in friendship, for example, but little or nothing from topics such as nature. You could say that real life situations, struggles and emotions inspire me more than just staring at a bunch of plants (although nature is beautiful and should be preserved! :) ).

One of my greatest hopes I have for this blog is that it will spread the word about my writings. If I get published in any of the literary magazines I submitted and will submit to (I really, really hope they say yes!), I'll post the links on this blog. I will also give book and music recommendations, for I also have a profound love for reading and music :)

If you've already read this far, I just wanted to thank you for giving a few minutes of your day towards reading this! You are awesome. :D And if you could share my blog, tell people all about it, that would be even more awesome. I'm going to try to post fairly often, so I hope you will follow me and enjoy!
