Sunday, August 17, 2014

On Motivation and Inspiration: Why I Write

Hey everyone, I have a new Facebook page which I plan to update regularly. Take a minute to check it out:  A few seconds to click "Like" and some shares would mean a lot.

Yes, it's important for me to have social media outreach now that I'm trying to be professional. But that's not the main purpose of this post (or of this blog, although I do appreciate the 400+ views on Writer Intro. Thanks a million!). What I really want to blog about today is two concepts that are extremely important to me. They are motivation and inspiration.

Both of these things work in synchronicity for me. One of the reasons I feel motivated to write is because of inspiration: my own, and that which I can spark in others. I write for myself, because it brings me peace, joy and clarity, but I also write for others, so that they may feel empowered, intrigued, inspired and motivated by my words.

Just to keep things clear, my intentions are far from trying to force others to feel these things. People should come to this on their own, but it always helps to be a source of creativity, inspiration, knowledge: it makes other people feel good, but it also makes you feel great, since you are choosing to irradiate all these beautiful things which you choose to see and feel.

In today's world of high-powered technology and instant communication, it can be easy to feel saturated by the quantity of information we are receiving every day, through technology and other means. Now let's think about this for a moment. Every day, millions of people wake up and check their phones. A new like on Facebook. A juicy piece of celebrity gossip. A text message from your best friend and your ex, but not from the guy you have a total crush on. These people are connected to social media, which bombards its users with updates practically by the minute, as is its nature, and the majority will return day after day, hungry for more.

I'm not saying that social media is bad or that people should use it less (although addiction is no bueno, as my boss might say.). But it is a prime example of how our senses can be completely bombarded just by spending half an hour on Facebook. And with so many people trying to get noticed, it continues just as so.

As an avid reader, going to the bookstore is a less brain-numbing way of filling my senses with a sort of kaleidoscope. So many books by so many authors...young, old, new releases, classics, well-known, little-known...a huge variety awaits me the minute I step into a Barnes & Noble. I wonder to myself: What will it be like when my books are published? What will the covers look like? Will they be noticeable in the bookstore? Will people enjoy my books as much as (Insert name of famous author)'s? What kind of reviews will I get on Goodreads and Amazon?
And the list goes on.

My point is, it can be easy to feel like you are overlooked with so much new stuff coming in, and sometimes the fountainhead of motivation and inspiration seems reduced to a trickle due to the changes in communication and the need for recognition; a need, I will say, which can feel unmet even for someone who has five times as many "contacts" as the next man.
We cannot let ourselves be overcome by these sensations.

The trick is not to avoid these sensations, but to filter what we'd really like to know more about (and what we wouldn't) and find our emotional center. You don't have to be spiritual to do this. Ask yourself: What makes me feel good? What inspires me? What do I want to achieve? How can I shape my life so that I am focused on achieving my goals and feeling whole? Take a few minutes away from everything to think about these things. But don't let yourself become overwhelmed with thoughts or frustrated. These questions can take time to answer, but once you start, life will take on a completely different notion for you.

Even if you think you've got all these questions answered, continue to take that valuable time to think; it will keep you focused on what you envision. You can also take a few minutes to meditate (Again, you don't have to be spiritual to meditate or for meditation to work for you!), letting your thoughts flow freely, with focus on the breath. It will make you feel renewed, as well as keep you both inspired and motivated.

Relax. You may have a million questions about everything, but they will all be answered in time. In the meantime, may you continue to live a motivated, inspired, happy life!


PS: Feel free to leave me comments through Blogger and Facebook. I'd love to hear what you think ;)

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