Today I've decided to share another piece of my book with you. (This is copyrighted!) Like the other fragment I posted a few entries ago, this portion is prone to change once it gets into the hands of a professional editor. But in the meantime, I'm sure that it'll give you an even bigger picture of my book. Hope you enjoy!
Christine and Sebastian lay side by side, quietly watching the fireworks. There was no one else around, just a few lazy fireflies that drifted through the air. Sebastian was grateful for the peace he felt; it had been a while since he'd experienced this sensation.
“Do your parents hate me?"
Christine's small voice startled him out of his reverie. He looked at her. Her green eyes were intent on his, deep and innocent. Sebastian swallowed and muttered:
Christine looked disappointed. He felt a pang in his heart. The look she gave him was not the one he had been hoping for.
"I feel like they do."
Sebastian felt his stomach twist. Christine knew the truth. Did he think she wouldn't see it just because she was different? How could he hide it when the truth leaked through his words and gestures?
"It's okay Seby." She reached for his hand, and he let his fingers linger near hers before he crossed his arms around his waist.
"Don't tell me it's okay."
"But it is."
Sebastian ran his hands through his dark hair, then crossed his arms over himself again. He didn't feel okay. He felt anything but okay.
He didn't look at her. "Yes?"
"Promise me we can still be friends?"

Promises Sample by Courtney Justus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Have a good one!